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Soon, You Will Not!

While we had offered our carvings in a number of small independent retail stores nationally, we are in the process of concluding those arrangements in the near future.

With the exception of the occasional specialty show, that means our web storefront will be the only place for customers to purchase our carvings.

Why you may ask? Well, this is the correct forum to give you an answer: The retail apocalypse is real. Small independent stores are rapidly disappearing under pressure from large retailers both in bricks and mortar chains and online. Much of the pressure is created by pricing competition - and that is largely driven by the low cost of goods they purchase from overseas suppliers. In fact, we've come across numerous retailers who want us to sell them our carvings at "overseas prices" - prices that will not sustain any American business.

The implications of this trend do not bode well for the future of America and we'd like to ask all Americans to "Buy American" whenever they can. Yes, the prices may be a bit higher for "Made in America" goods, but we believe you'll find the quality to be superior and you can rest well at night knowing you've helped another American to make a decent living. (These days, "Buy American" is not an easy thing to do. The next time you are in a store - any store - try finding something labeled as "Made in America"!)

This said, our withdrawal from retail will allow us to drop our prices significantly. (We will be able to implement this next step as we move beyond our remaining retail obligations in the very near future.)

Now we only need to see if we can get customers to see past the online "Big Dogs" of retail (who are also selling overseas goods and killing American small businesses).

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